Our Purpose

The First in Business Foundation was created to empower the next generation of Business leaders. Our purpose is to provide opportunities for first-generation college students from underrepresented backgrounds to pursue careers in the field of Business.

Our Vision

The vision of the First in Business Foundation is to inspire a future generation of leaders, who we believe will bring their own set of diverse perspectives,  experiences, and skillsets to make a positive impact to the corporate world and society.

Why a Business Degree?

Earning a Business degree rewards students with flexible, transferrable and in-demand skills that can be applied across a vast variety of industries. Business degrees allow students to apply their knowledge to a broad number of careers, often in a way that closely alligns with their values, passions and interests. In addition, Business degrees are often in high demand and can maximize hiring and earning potential. For first-generation and low income college students, a business degree can provide a high return on investment on the cost of their education and can provide opportunities to improve their circumstances.

Our Values

Authentic Relationships

Building relationships is a central facet of business. Relationships with clients, customers, colleagues and the community, are all integral to growing a business. We believe in the creation of genuine, authentic relationships, that inspire and empower everybody involved. 


According to the Education Advisory Board (EAB), first-generation college students typically take longer to complete college programs or are more likely to drop out, as compared to their peers whose parents have college degrees. On top of the expected challenges that college students face, First generation students may have additional obstacles such as the lack of financial resources and familial support. It is important to learn from our failures, as much as we do from our victories. In life we will face obstacles, but persistence will allow us to learn, overcome and continue progress. 

The “Lift-as-you-Climb” Mentality

The First in Business Foundation believes it is important to intentionally live life with a “lift-as-you-climb mentality. As we advance in our careers, there will be an increasing number of opportunities to give back and make a difference. Whether it’s giving time, resources, mentorship, advocating for others or passing forward opportunities, giving to others gives you a personal sense of fulfillment, while making a positive contribution to those around you. First-generation college students should aspire to be the representation that they want to see in the Business world.

“And so, lifting as we climb, onward and upward we go, struggling and striving, and hoping that the buds and blossoms of our desires will burst into glorious fruition ‘ere long.”

– Mary Church Terrell